
CBS 201 – 旧约历史书:约书亚记到以斯帖记 Old Testament Historical Books: Joshua to Esther

CBS 202 – 智慧书:箴言 Wisdom Literature: Proverbs

CBS 203 – 前先知书 Early Prophets

CBS 204 – 后先知书 Later Prophets

CBS 205 – 以赛亚书 Isaiah

CBS 206 – 使徒行传 Acts

CBS 207 – 保罗书信 Pauline Epistles

CBS 208 – 一般书信 General Epistles

CBS 209 – 启示录 Revelation

CBS 210 – 希伯来书Hebrews

CBS 211 – 哥林多前书 1 Corinthians

CBS 212 – 以弗所书 Ephesians

CBS 213 – 登山宝训 Sermon on the Mount

CBS 214 – 教会历史调查 Survey of Church History

CBS 215 – 新约希腊语介绍 Intro to New Testament Greek